Restaurant Reviews

photo of a pizza with diced tomatoes, meat, and a white sauce

Firenza Pizza proves to be a wonderful surprise

Anyone who has read this blog for any length of time should know by now I love pizza, and the pizzas Wendi and I had at Firenza Pizza in Sandusky proved to be a wonderful surprise. We didn’t want pizza for dinner (well, actually Wendi didn’t; I can eat it any time), and we had no idea we would be eating dinner in Sandusky. Wendi and I were on our way to Marblehead, Ohio, to get away for a little bit. Normally, we take a vacation in the summer, but we had visited North Carolina, Georgia and Florida in April and are planning a trip to Boston for Christmas, so we didn’t plan a summer vacation. Wendi’s uncle and aunt, Jay and Kim, had recently visited the area and loved it. So, we thought, why not go. I performed a magic show at the Orrville Lions Rib & Music Fest in the afternoon, took a nap when I got home, …

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